The effect of family conflict over the inheritance of property: Family conflict over property inheritance is considered one of the most important causes of family dispersal, especially if the deceased was influential and prestigious.
The effect of family conflict over the inheritance of property
We especially mention Algeria, where people prefer to earn money over preserving brothers, and they resort to selling the big house to get the money.
Or the conflict over who stays in the rented house after the death of Parents, and this phenomenon, in particular, is widespread in the cities of Algeria and the capital in particular.

What is the effect of family conflict over the inheritance of property?
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Most common conflicts in the family
What are the leading causes of family conflict?? ¿How can we solve a problem between brothers? ¿And if there is an older person involved? These problems often appear on many occasions when we try to solve a family problem. To address it adequately, we can analyze these examples of the most common conflicts in the family:
Example 1: Sibling problems
- When they have more than one child, siblings are more likely to argue more than once, whether out of jealousy, envy, or personal differences. To address a problem between brothers, we can encourage dialogue and assertive communication.
- And this may affect family conflict over the inheritance of property.
Example 2: Problems in the couple
Problems in spouses can occur at all stages of the relationship: either in its infancy or when they decide to start a family. For this reason, it is necessary to pay attention to the dynamics in the spouses to avoid wear and tear.

What is the effect of family conflict over the inheritance of property?
Example 3: Conflicts over money
- Economic problems are usually in the order of the day. Although the youngest are not traditionally involved in these conflicts, many of their dynamics and activities are involved.
- And this may affect the family conflict over the inheritance of property.
- When we talk about economic family conflicts, we put ourselves in an agitated situation because it is challenging to adopt the role we take before our loved ones when there is money in between.
Example 4: Family problems due to health
Health issues in the family are usually the most difficult to deal with because emotional issues are two types.
- There is someone with health problems that we have to take care of requires a high demand for attention, time, dedication, and effort.
- Some scientists say that may affect the family conflict over property inheritance.
- Second, the fact that a loved one is in a negative state of health strongly affects our mood and can lead to stressful situations resulting from our feelings of sadness and anxiety.
Family conflict over inheritance of property
- Given the spread of the phenomenon of selling apartments after the death of the father or mother, whether the house is owned or rented, and the haste towards financial division and family division, that is, conflict and severing the ties of kinship in Algeria and all Arab countries, and the definition of the case from a legal point of view to Dr. Amer Rakhaila.
- The lawyer highlighted to us the point of view. The law considered, where he said that when the deceased (the original owner) dies, family members or heirs must determine his right to each person, and this is a natural matter, so the heirs resort to division.
- From the heirs, the lawyer means the sons and wives, or the sons and the husband in the event of the mother’s death, or the parents if they are alive, so they must prove their kinship with the obligatory document (a document proving to belong to the dead family extracted at the notary by submitting personal papers and the family book).
- They are obliged to move the family conflict over inheritance of property call and to resort to justice to evaluate the real estate of the same family for real estate evaluation with the help of an expert to consider all the movables and property.
- Then the courts issue a preliminary decision before detailing so that the expert strips the movable property, money, and cars. The heirs go to ratify the documents after the agreement.

What is the effect of family conflict over the inheritance of property?
The effect of family conflict over inheritance of property
- Rakhila adds that if reservations are found, the court will reconsider the division by appointing another expert to prove the defect or divide pretty in the event of the stubbornness of one of the heirs or due to personal disputes and ambitions.
- Or to deprive the woman of family conflict over inheritance of property as in the region, and if the step fails and family conflicts increase, the judge is forced To sell the house or apartment under the supervision and guardianship of the court of the will, then the money is divided among the heirs wholly and somewhat.
- In both cases, whether by agreement or by the court’s sponsorship, the constructive critical evaluation shall be carried out by the expert charged with evaluating the prices in the market according to the city and neighborhood location and the aesthetic view available to the apartment or villa.
- We should not neglect the recurring events of conflicts, crimes, and misdemeanors committed by some out of love for money or acquiring property for one of the heirs.
- As for the ideological and detailed components of the situation of the Algerian family, we find that most of them cut off family kinship and resort to leaving or displacement to other places to escape failure and loss. The strained relationship that drags from greed.
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